‘Life is like the sky .. everything else, it’s just the weather’

I was reminded of this quote, during my walk earlier today, as I was savouring the gentle warmth of the morning sun on my skin .. enjoying some movement in a drier climate.

I was very aware of the changed weather pattern of the past week, which was marked with cold, winter-like temperatures accompanied by days of continuous rain.

This seems to have passed now ..

Evidence suggests that when we bring awareness to our experience, and allow things to be as they are .. even the unpleasant moment will eventually pass too .. just by virtue of the ever-changing landscape of our own inner climate.

Change of any sort, will naturally affect us .. but we can train ourselves to not get caught up in over-worrying, obsessing about things or getting stuck in a negative thinking loop.

Our lives and our very existence are more spacious than that, and we can really learn to notice these changes in our inner climate as part of the flavour of life that is in constant flux.

Becoming aware of these changes while not getting caught up in them .. is the practice of mindfulness.

‘Life is like the sky .. everything else, it’s just the weather’ - Pema Chödrön


‘Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives’


‘The little moments .. they aren’t little’